Almond oil to treat stretch marks

Almond oil to treat stretch marks

Almond oil is quite effective in treating stretch marks. Apart from its high Vitamin E content, Almond oil serves to moisturize the affected areas. Moreover it can be a safe option to be exercised during pregnancy. Vitamin E adds to the development of elastin and collagen content of the skin; thereby serving to ease the stretch marks.

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Pomegranate – Ayurveda Benefits

Pomegranate - Ayurveda Benefits

According to Ayurveda, sweet pomegranate is Tridohaghnam.It checks thirst, burning sensation, and fevers. It is also useful in the treatment of diseases of the heart, throat and mouth. It is light, nutritious and an aphrodisiac .It has an auxiliary taste of astringency and is a constrictor. Having pomegranate’s juice daily is good for heart and useful people suffering from low B.P and Asthma.
