Mangoes are very effective in the treatment and prevention of sinusitis.

Mangoes are very effective in the treatment and prevention of sinusitis.

Mangoes are very effective in the treatment and prevention of sinusitis. Hence in the season of mango, eat lots of mangoes. Mangoes are rich source of vitamin A, which is very effective in preventing the common infections from occurring.

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Sinusitis or rhinosinusitis is inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, which may be due to infection, allergy, or autoimmune issues. Most cases are due to a viral infection and resolve over the course of 10 days. It is a common condition; for example, in the United States more than 24 million cases occur annually.

Sinusitis (or rhinosinusitis) is defined as an inflammation of the mucous membrane that lines the paranasal sinuses and is classified chronologically into several categories: acute rhinosinusitis — a new infection that may last up to four weeks and can be subdivided symptomatically into severe and non-severe; recurrent acute rhinosinusitis — four or more separate episodes of acute sinusitis that occur within one year; subacute rhinosinusitis — an infection that lasts between four and 12 weeks, and represents a transition between acute and chronic infection; chronic rhinosinusitis — when the signs and symptoms last for more than 12 weeks; and acute exacerbation of chronic rhinosinusitis — when the signs and symptoms of chronic rhinosinusitis exacerbate, but return to baseline after treatment.

All these types of sinusitis have similar symptoms, and are thus often difficult to distinguish. Acute sinusitis is very common. Roughly ninety percent of adults have had sinusitis at some point in their life.

What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Acute Sinusitis?

Some of the primary symptoms of acute sinusitis include:

Facial pain/pressure, Nasal stuffiness, Nasal discharge, Loss of smell, Cough/congestion. Additional symptoms may include: Fever, Bad breath, Fatigue, Dental pain. Acute sinusitis may be diagnosed when a person has two or more symptoms and/or the presence of thick, green, or yellow nasal discharge.

What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Chronic Sinusitis?

People with chronic sinusitis may have the following symptoms for 8 weeks or more:

Facial congestion/fullness, A nasal obstruction/blockage, Pus in the nasal cavity, Fever, Nasal discharge/discolored postnasal drainage. Additional symptoms of chronic sinusitis may include: Headaches, Bad breath, Fatigue, Dental pain