10 Amazing Benefits Of Coriander Juice

Juice of coriander mixed with mishri (sugar candy) is a super coolant and highly medicinal.  10 benefits of this coriander juice:


  1. Aids in digestion and helps settle the stomach and prevent flatulence
  2. Is an anti-inflammatory that may alleviate symptoms of arthritis
  3. Protects against urinary tract infections
  4. Relieves intestinal gas
  5. Lowers bad cholesterol (LDL) and raises good cholesteraol (HDL)
  6. A good source of iron
  7. A good source of magnesium
  8. Rich in phytonutrients and flavonoids
  9. Coriander is cooling It can be used internally to ward off     allergic reactions such as anaphylaxis, hives, swelling and intense  itching. Externally, it can be applied as a paste to affected areas.
  10. It is also beneficial for women especially those suffering from a heavy menstrual flow

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Home Remedies for Headache

 Add water to 1 tbsp ginger powder. Heat gently in a pan. Apply the warm poultice on forehead for 15 minutes. If you don’t have ginger powder ready, you can also chew raw ginger root. Chewing raw ginger root can ease the nausea and digestive problems that tend to accompany migraines. Ginger also appears to block the effects of prostaglandins, substances that may cause inflammation of the blood vessels in the brain, leading to migraines.

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How to sleep naturally, without falling a prey to sedatives?


There are many causes why we fail to sleep naturally. Work and relationship related stress, irregular diet, lifestyle and sleeping habits, night shifts, bad habits like drinking smoking and drug abuse are main causes for sleep disturbances.

Before you contemplate on going for Allopathic sedatives, which are addictive, habit-forming and come with a list of side effects, I suggest you try these Ayurvedic and natural remedies.

Correcting the lifestyle:

  • Make sure you spend your time at bed at least 6 hours a day.
  • make a strict daily schedule – at what time you are going to have food, what time you will go to bed etc and stick to it.
  • Try stopping a day sleeping. stopping nap will improve night sleeping hours.
  • Drink a glass of warm milk at night-time.
  • Take a warm water bath during evening hours, after you return from office.
  • Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, drink juices, get your nutrition status to optimum levels.
  • mild to medium exercise during evening period, so that you feel tired, followed by a hot shower and then a warm cup of milk will definitely send you straight to bed.
  • If you are sensitive to even a little bit of noise, use ear plugs.
  • If you are sensitive to light, then switch it off or use a cloth band to cover your eyes, loosely. Now it has been proved that sleeping in a dark room may prevent depression.

Some Useful Ayurvedic Procedures:

Massage: Whole body oil massage at least once in a week will improve your skin and muscle tone, general strength, calms your mind and relaxes your body. Mild swedana (steam therapy) after massage further helps to enhance the relaxation effect of massage therapy. It helps to achieve natural sleep.

Shirodhara, a famous procedure of instilling a stream of oil continuously on forehead for a period of 15 – 30 minutes is the Ayurvedic therapy of choice for relieving stress and to treat insomnia. It also helps to strengthen the sense organs, relieve headache and improve hair health. This procedure also helps to sleep naturally.
Medicated oils like bala Taila, ksheera bala taila etc. are used for this procedure.

Shiro Pichu – A simple procedure of soaking cotton swabs with the medicated oils and placing it all over the scalp for a period of 15 to 30 minutes is also very famous to induce sleep. Best results are obtained if done at night, followed by a hot shower, and a cup of warm milk. However, people with Kapha body type, and those who are lactose intolerant should not take milk at night.

Article written by Dr JV Hebbar, Sr. Consultant,  AskVeda 

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