10 Amazing Benefits Of Coriander Juice

Juice of coriander mixed with mishri (sugar candy) is a super coolant and highly medicinal.  10 benefits of this coriander juice:


  1. Aids in digestion and helps settle the stomach and prevent flatulence
  2. Is an anti-inflammatory that may alleviate symptoms of arthritis
  3. Protects against urinary tract infections
  4. Relieves intestinal gas
  5. Lowers bad cholesterol (LDL) and raises good cholesteraol (HDL)
  6. A good source of iron
  7. A good source of magnesium
  8. Rich in phytonutrients and flavonoids
  9. Coriander is cooling It can be used internally to ward off     allergic reactions such as anaphylaxis, hives, swelling and intense  itching. Externally, it can be applied as a paste to affected areas.
  10. It is also beneficial for women especially those suffering from a heavy menstrual flow

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Best of 20 home remedies & health-tips contributed by Askveda community


  1. Having pomegranate’s juice daily is good for heart and useful for people suffering from low Blood Pressure (Hypotension)
  2. One natural treatment for acidity is chewing a few Basil (tulsi) leaves after a meal. This not just works as an antacid as it helps the body absorb food but also prevents reflux and the formation of ulcers.
  3. Sucking a piece of Clove after meal helps in reducing acidity problem.
  4. A flake of garlic swallowed with water taken empty stomach daily in the morning can be helpful in solving many stomach & gastric problems.  
  5. Headache caused by summer heat is cured by consuming watermelon juice.  Just one glass a day works wonders…
  6. Eating an Apple on an empty stomach in the morning relieves one of migraine pain. This must be done for a few mornings.  I have been a migraine patient for past 10 years and this one worked most for me.
  7. Open 6 dates and boil in 1/2 liter of milk for 25 minutes over low heat. Drink three cups a day.  This is ultimate dry cough remedy.
  8. Mix 2 teaspoons of honey with equal quantity of ginger juice. The concoction helps to expectorate mucus, providing relief for the common cold, coughs and sore throat. 
  9. Eat before breakfast half cup of cooked beets if you suffer from chronic constipation or indigestion.
  10. Ayurveda cough syrup at home. Peel and chop six medium onions. Put the pieces in a container and add four tablespoons of honey. Cover and leave them in a water bath over low heat for two hours. Strain and take one tablespoon every three hours.
  11. Grated cucumber applied over the face, eyes and neck for fifteen minutes is very much beneficial for acne and blackheads.
  12. A simple remedy for Anemia or iron deficiency –  Pound 3-4 soft dates with milk and add a little ghee in it.  Eating this mixture will help to prevent Anemia.
  13. Home Remedy to Cure Dark Circles-   Tomato paste is one of the most effective remedies for dark circles. You can make it easily at home. Take one or two fresh tomatoes, one tablespoon of lemon juice and a pinch of gram flour and turmeric powder. Blend these ingredients nicely until they become a thick paste and apply it very gently around your eyes. Rinse it off gently with clean water after 10 or 20 minutes. Repeating this process twice or thrice every week will make your skin tone around your eyes lighter and will eventually make your dark circles go away completely.
  14. Best natural remedy for sore throat is to gargle with turmeric and salt. Mix:  ½ cup of warm water ½ tsp salt ¼ tsp powdered turmeric  After you gargle, don’t drink or eat anything for at least ½ hr for the salt and turmeric to do their job of killing bacteria. You can repeat this as often as you need throughout the day.
  15. A drop garlic juice into your ear helps to relieve the pain of an ear infection.
  16. A mixture of baking soda and lemon juice applied underarms will reduce body odor.
  17. Add a few fennel seeds in a pot of hot water, and then boil it for five minutes on a low temperature. Strain the solution and then drink it. You can also chew the fresh fennel leafy plants if you can bear the taste. Else you can take a mixture of fennel, cardamom and mint leaves and boil them in water to make a concoction that can help during stomach gas.  This is very effective Home Remedy for Gas and Bloating:
  18. Lemon is one of the richest sources of Vitamin C on the planet and it also contains nutrients like Vitamin B, riboflavin, phosphorus, magnesium, and calcium. Lemon juice with warm water can also help eliminate waste in your system and serve as a Liver tonic. Daily intake of lemon water has several health benefits: It keeps your stomach healthy; acts as cure for nausea, heartburn, indigestion, high blood pressure, stress, and depression.
  19. When you suffer from a hangover ,a banana milkshake with honey can give you immense relief. Cold milk soothes the stomach lining and bananas with honey build up depleted blood sugar levels.
  20. Home Remedies Treatment for Cough –  For severe cough, mix tulsi juice with garlic juice and honey. A teaspoon of this mixture is taken once every three hours will treat excessive coughing.

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Home Remedies for Headache

 Add water to 1 tbsp ginger powder. Heat gently in a pan. Apply the warm poultice on forehead for 15 minutes. If you don’t have ginger powder ready, you can also chew raw ginger root. Chewing raw ginger root can ease the nausea and digestive problems that tend to accompany migraines. Ginger also appears to block the effects of prostaglandins, substances that may cause inflammation of the blood vessels in the brain, leading to migraines.

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How to do Surya Namaskar – Sun Salutation Steps & Postures

Morning is the right time to practice Surya Namaskar as the early morning sunrays are rich source of Vitamin D which is required for strong bones and clear eyesight. You can use a carpet or a small piece of cloth for doing this. There are twelve mantras for each of the twelve postures and these mantras are to be recited for each posture.

Following are the different postures in Surya Namaskar..


First Posture – Namaskarasana

You should be in a standing position with palms folded in front of your chest, feet together and toes touching each other. Breathe as usual and recite the mantra.

Mantra – Om Mitrayah Namaha
Advantages – The mind and body turn out to be healthy

Second Posture – Parvatasana

Lift your arms over your head and shoulders, with palms touching each other. The biceps should touch the ears. Inhale and stretch your abdomen to the maximum extent and tilt backwards.

Mantra – Om Ravaye Namah
Advantages – A good exercise for the shoulders and the food pipe (Esophagus). Vision is also enhanced.

Third Posture – Namaskara Hastapadasana

Breathe in deeply and hold the breath. Bend forward without folding the knees and keep the palms on the floor. Touch your knees with the forehead and exhale deeply. Initially, if you are not able to keep the palms on the floor, you can just touch it with the fingers.

Mantra – Om Suryaya Namaha
Advantages – This exercise is a remedy for belly and digestive
ailments. The chest and hands become strong and your body grows to be well balanced. Also, diseases of the feet and fingers are set right.

Fourth Posture – Ekapada Prasaranasana

Breathe in and drag your right leg backward, with the knee and fingers of the foot touching the floor. Press hard the abdomen and belly such that they touch the left leg. Now raise your head as high as possible and look upward. Hold breath and resume in the posture for sometime.

Mantra – Om Bhanave Namaha
Advantages – As this exercise stretches the small intestine and the seminal vesicles, it is a good remedy for constipation and diseases of the liver. Besides, thinness of the semen and diseases of throat are also corrected.

Fifth Posture – Bhudharasana

Breathe in deeply and hold it. Pull both the legs backwards and keep the thumbs of the feet, ankles and knees touching each other. Keep the head, waist, the back and the elbows in a line and bend forward with the palms on the floor. Your body looks like a bow now.

Mantra – Om Khagaya Namaha
Advantages – This movement helps to relieve from the pains – especially of arms, legs and the knees. It is also good for the abdominal disorders.

Sixth Posture – Ashthanga Pranipatasana
Inhale and hold the breath. Keep the knees on the floor and make the chest and forehead to touch the floor. The palms are to be placed on the side of the chest. Ensure that the abdomen should not touch the floor and drag it.

Mantra – Om Pusane Namaha
Advantages – This exercise makes the arms strong and if ladies perform this Asana before getting pregnant, the child could be prevented from many diseases.

Seventh Position – Bhujangasana

Inhaling the breath, lower your waist and raise your upper body. Now look upwards and keep the arms straight.

Mantra – Om Hiranya-Garbhaya Namaha
Advantages – Apart from toning up the body and the back muscles, this Asana improves eyesight. Disorders related to the reproductive system and the irregularities in female’s menstrual cycle are corrected. Also improves blood circulation.

Eighth Posture – Bhudharasana

This position is the same as that of Bhudharasana, explained in fifth position.

Mantra – Om Marichiye Namaha

Ninth Posture – Ekapada Prasaranasana
Repeat the process of fourth position.

Mantra – Om Adityaya Namaha

Tenth Posture – Namaskara Hastapadasana
The position is same as that of the third one.

Mantra – Om Savitre Namaha

Eleventh Posture – Parvatasana
The procedure is same as that of step two.

Mantra – Om Arkaya Namaha

Twelfth Posture – Namaskarasana
Same as that of first position

Mantra – Om Bhaskaraya Namaha

This full round of Surya Namaskar can be repeated as many times as possible.
“Om Sri Savitra Soorya Narayanaaya Namah”

Dr.Nayana.P.Hegde  – Sr. Consultant – Askveda Team

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