Home Remedies for Headache

 Add water to 1 tbsp ginger powder. Heat gently in a pan. Apply the warm poultice on forehead for 15 minutes. If you don’t have ginger powder ready, you can also chew raw ginger root. Chewing raw ginger root can ease the nausea and digestive problems that tend to accompany migraines. Ginger also appears to block the effects of prostaglandins, substances that may cause inflammation of the blood vessels in the brain, leading to migraines.

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Almond oil to treat stretch marks

Almond oil to treat stretch marks

Almond oil is quite effective in treating stretch marks. Apart from its high Vitamin E content, Almond oil serves to moisturize the affected areas. Moreover it can be a safe option to be exercised during pregnancy. Vitamin E adds to the development of elastin and collagen content of the skin; thereby serving to ease the stretch marks.

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