Home Remedies for Headache

 Add water to 1 tbsp ginger powder. Heat gently in a pan. Apply the warm poultice on forehead for 15 minutes. If you don’t have ginger powder ready, you can also chew raw ginger root. Chewing raw ginger root can ease the nausea and digestive problems that tend to accompany migraines. Ginger also appears to block the effects of prostaglandins, substances that may cause inflammation of the blood vessels in the brain, leading to migraines.

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Health benefits of pomegranate

Countless studies have shown the seemingly countless benefits of fruits for a person’s health. The U.S. Government recommends that people get some servings of fruits every day. Of all the fruits ready in the shop today, one fruit is at its height of popularity because of its legendary Greek mythology connection and its exoticism-the pomegranate fruit.

Considered as one of the earliest fruits that have been cultivated along with grapes, figs, olives, and dates somewhere between 4000 B. C. E and 3000 B. C. E., pomegranate prolonged to be an emblem of fertility, rebirth, and health.

Dubbed as a “miracle fruit” by some fans, pomegranate has earned its popularity because it is thought to perhaps help maintain the body’s natural defenses against Alzheimer’s disease, assorted cancers, coronary and heart diseases, arthritis and many ailments an aging man experiences. Because of its so -called anti-aging possibilities, pomegranate has had some food and beverage variations from juices, ice creams, dishes, and even in water that come in bottles.


Why is pomegranate good for you?

  • It is a rich source of assorted vitamins. Pomegranate is a good, natural source of vitamins A, C and E as well as folic acid.• The antioxidants are thought to help maintain the immune system.
  • It may help maintain healthy blood flow because of its iron properties. Pomegranate supports the blood by supplying it with iron, thus may help prevent anemia symptoms that include exhaustion, dizziness, weakness, and hear loss.
  • Aside from having lots of anti-oxidants, pomegranate also might have some anti-viral properties.
  • Pomegranate juice and citation is thought by some women to help in overcoming the feeling of normal malaise while menopause.
  • It may help sell out the risk of having a heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes
  • ‘Viagra effect’ from a daily glass of pomegranate juice as study shows it boosts sexual desire. It is natural & no side effects.

Benefits for Men:

Research has shown that pomegranate juice benefits men by acting as nature’s Viagra. A 2005 study on the long term effects of pomegranate juice intake on erectile dysfunction in animals showed that erectile dysfunction is closely linked to free radicals. Pomegranate juice, being so high in free radical fighting antioxidants, can help fight erectile dysfunction as well.
Not only that, but you might recall that another health benefit of pomegranate juice is it’s ability to help induce cancer cells to self-destruct. Studies have shown that a glass a day of pomegranate juice can slow the growth of prostate cancer.

Benefits for Women

Pomegranate juice can benefit pregnant women. It’s a rich source of many vitamins and minerals including folic acid, which is a vital component of any prenatal diet. The anti-inflammatory benefits of pomegranate juice also help keep a healthy blood flow to the developing baby. The potassium in pomegranate juice can also help with the leg cramps that many pregnant women experience, especially at night.
In the same way that pomegranate juice helps protect against prostate cancer, research has shown pomegranate juice to inhibit the growth of estrogen-responsive breast cancer cells.

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Natural remedies for Chronic headaches – Ayurveda

Natural remedies for Chronic headaches  - Ayurveda

Chronic headache, or chronic daily headache (CDH), is classified as experiencing fifteen or more days with a headache per month. It is estimated that chronic headaches affect “4% to 5% of the general population”. Chronic headaches consist of different sub-groups, primarily categorized as chronic tension-type headaches and chronic migraine headaches.The treatments for chronic headache are vast and varied. Medicinal and non-medicinal methods exist to help patients cope with chronic headache, because chronic headaches cannot be cured. Whether pharmacological or not, treatment plans are often created on an individual basis. Multiple sources recommend multimodal treatment, which is a combination of medicinal and non-medicinal remedies. Some treatments are controversial and are still being tested for effectiveness. Suggested treatments for chronic headaches include medication, physical therapy, acupuncture, relaxation training, and biofeedback. In addition, dietary alteration and behavioral therapy or psychological therapy are other possible treatments for chronic headaches.

The Top Ten Reasons for Headaches

DEHYDRATION: This may be the most common cause of a headache. Your body is made up of roughly 60% water and requires a generous amount of water intake. Adults should be drinking about 8 to 10 glasses of water a day for proper hydration. Be aware that coffee and sodas are often dehydrating.

PAIN MEDICATIONS: Ironic but true. Half of chronic migraines, and as many as 25 percent of all headaches, are actually “rebound” episodes triggered by the overuse of common pain medications.

CAFFEINE: Even though caffeine usually helps relieve headaches, too much of a good thing can actually have the opposite effect. Plus, there’s the withdrawal factor. If you suddenly stop drinking coffee, you’ll get a headache until your body adjusts to the loss of its daily fix.

STRESS: Tension headaches, the most common kind, are brought on by either physical or emotional stress. One of the most frequent causes of physical stress is spending too much uninterrupted time staring at the computer. Take breaks every half hour to stretch and look in the distance. Emotional stress may not be so easy to eliminate.

SINUSES: Dry sinuses or congested sinuses can cause headaches. These headaches come with deep and constant pain in the cheekbones, forehead or bridge of the nose. The pain usually intensifies with sudden head movement. Using a neti pot daily can help.

BLOOD SUGAR IMBALANCE: An imbalance in blood sugar (usually low) can be corrected by eating adequate protein. Protein helps to stabilize blood sugar levels.

CERTAIN FOODS: Peanuts, chocolate and red wine all contain a lot of the amino acid tyramine that can cause headaches. Other foods that contain nitrates can also trigger headaches including salami, hot dogs, and sausages. Although not as common, diary and wheat can trigger headaches, too.

WEATHER OR CHANGE IN ALTITUDE: Changes in weather, especially sharp dips in barometric pressure, can cause headaches. Even a visit to a town or city that is at a higher elevation than where you currently live can bring on an episode.

HORMONES: The hormones estrogen and progesterone affect headache-related chemicals in the brain. Higher estrogen levels may improve headaches, while lower estrogen levels can make headaches worse.

EXPOSURE TO SECOND-HAND SMOKE:Cigarette smoke is a common trigger of migraine headaches. Try to stay in a non-smoking environment. If you can’t avoid the smoke, try putting some peppermint oil on your pulse points to detract from the smell.

Ayurvedic Home Remedy for Chronic headaches-

A peeled and chopped apple, with a sprinkle of salt eaten first thing in the morning, for at least a week will cure chronic headaches.

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