Pomegranate juice health benefits:

Pomegranate juice health benefits:

The benefits of pomegranate juice are many. Pomegranate juice is packed with antioxidants, which help rid the body of free radicals. Drinking pomegranate juice can have a great impact on your health, by increasing your cardiovascular, reducing your risk of cancer, and reducing inflammation. Pomegranate juice benefits include an array of vitamins and antioxidants, increased heart health, protection against certain cancers, and it may even help with erectile dysfunction!

Enjoy your pomegranate juice!!

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Health benefits of pomegranate

Countless studies have shown the seemingly countless benefits of fruits for a person’s health. The U.S. Government recommends that people get some servings of fruits every day. Of all the fruits ready in the shop today, one fruit is at its height of popularity because of its legendary Greek mythology connection and its exoticism-the pomegranate fruit.

Considered as one of the earliest fruits that have been cultivated along with grapes, figs, olives, and dates somewhere between 4000 B. C. E and 3000 B. C. E., pomegranate prolonged to be an emblem of fertility, rebirth, and health.

Dubbed as a “miracle fruit” by some fans, pomegranate has earned its popularity because it is thought to perhaps help maintain the body’s natural defenses against Alzheimer’s disease, assorted cancers, coronary and heart diseases, arthritis and many ailments an aging man experiences. Because of its so -called anti-aging possibilities, pomegranate has had some food and beverage variations from juices, ice creams, dishes, and even in water that come in bottles.


Why is pomegranate good for you?

  • It is a rich source of assorted vitamins. Pomegranate is a good, natural source of vitamins A, C and E as well as folic acid.• The antioxidants are thought to help maintain the immune system.
  • It may help maintain healthy blood flow because of its iron properties. Pomegranate supports the blood by supplying it with iron, thus may help prevent anemia symptoms that include exhaustion, dizziness, weakness, and hear loss.
  • Aside from having lots of anti-oxidants, pomegranate also might have some anti-viral properties.
  • Pomegranate juice and citation is thought by some women to help in overcoming the feeling of normal malaise while menopause.
  • It may help sell out the risk of having a heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes
  • ‘Viagra effect’ from a daily glass of pomegranate juice as study shows it boosts sexual desire. It is natural & no side effects.

Benefits for Men:

Research has shown that pomegranate juice benefits men by acting as nature’s Viagra. A 2005 study on the long term effects of pomegranate juice intake on erectile dysfunction in animals showed that erectile dysfunction is closely linked to free radicals. Pomegranate juice, being so high in free radical fighting antioxidants, can help fight erectile dysfunction as well.
Not only that, but you might recall that another health benefit of pomegranate juice is it’s ability to help induce cancer cells to self-destruct. Studies have shown that a glass a day of pomegranate juice can slow the growth of prostate cancer.

Benefits for Women

Pomegranate juice can benefit pregnant women. It’s a rich source of many vitamins and minerals including folic acid, which is a vital component of any prenatal diet. The anti-inflammatory benefits of pomegranate juice also help keep a healthy blood flow to the developing baby. The potassium in pomegranate juice can also help with the leg cramps that many pregnant women experience, especially at night.
In the same way that pomegranate juice helps protect against prostate cancer, research has shown pomegranate juice to inhibit the growth of estrogen-responsive breast cancer cells.

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Foods That Boost Your Libido

Foods That Boost Your Libido

Almonds – Almonds are a great source of essential fatty acids. These provide the raw material for a man’s healthy production of hormones. Eat almonds raw. Also crush some fresh almonds and sprinkle them on your salad to get the energy you need.

Watermelon – Watermelon’s flesh and rind contain a chemical called Citruline that not only helps your sex drive but also has health benefits for your heart.

Walnut – Walnuts contain zinc and omega 3-fatty oils that are good for the heart and for blood circulation.

Citrus Fruits – According to several studies vitamin C has been found to improve overall sperm health in men and decrease the risk of infertility in both male and female. Citrus fruits provide a boost of antioxidants and glucose for improved focus, enhanced mood and decreased impact of stress hormones that can kill an erection and the moment.

Berries. Berries such as blueberries and strawberries can be one of the most sensual foods for both men and women. Strawberries contain high amounts of folate and vitamin C.

Papaya – Papaya is great for women because it is essentially natural estrogen. It has the same compounds as the estrogen found in our bodies and gives your libido a nice boost.

Happy weekend!!

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Erectile Dysfunction – Natural Ayurvedic Remedies

Erectile Dysfunction - Natural Ayurvedic Remedies

Impotence is a common problem among men characterized by the consistent inability to sustain an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse or the inability to achieve ejaculation, or both. Erectile dysfunction can vary. It can involve a total inability to achieve an erection or ejaculation, an inconsistent ability to do so, or a tendency to sustain only very brief erections. Erectile dysfunction is different from other conditions that interfere with male sexual intercourse, such as lack of sexual desire (decreased libido) and problems with ejaculation and orgasm (ejaculatory dysfunction). The risk of impotence increases with age. It is four-fold higher in men in their 60s compared with those in their 40s


• Old age
• Injury
• Stress
• Addiction to nicotine
• Consuming alcohol
• Drug abuse
• Can be a side effect of medical conditions like:
o Diabetes
o High cholesterol
o Depression
o Heart diseases
o Other psychiatric diseases

Natural home remedy using Pomegranate (Herbal Viagra):

Pomegranate helps with erectile dysfunction by increasing and balancing the blood flow to the heart and subsequently to the rest of the body. Simply drink a glass of organic Pomegranate Juice daily as a natural remedy for erectile dysfunction.

People on hypertensive medications should monitor their blood pressure closely when taking pomegranate juice